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Region 8 Youth Coordinator

Cindy Howey

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I am honored to be the Region 8 Youth Coordinator. For those of you who may not know me, I have been involved with the AHA youth since, well, my days as a youth way back when. In California I was the Youth Coordinator for AHASC and SCHAA many moons ago. I coached the RCAHA Youth Judging Team and Region I Youth Judging Team. In addition, I have been on the AHA Youth Committee since the 1980’s, thru its many name changes.


Many of you may have seen me at Youth Nationals, where I will be happy to receive my 20 year pin this year. If you have been involved with Stick Horses at YNL, you have seen me. Nancy Harvey dubbed me the “Stick Horse Queen” many years ago. But I also work the many youth activities at YNL, from the Youth Convention throughout the end of the show. I have been involved with Arabians since I was a teenager.


While my first horse was a Mustang (I still have a soft spot for Mustangs – they are awesome horses), my second horse was an Arabian filly. Di was the first horse that I trained and was a patient teacher. I showed her in stock seat equitation and western pleasure. Since then, my parents and I have bred, owned and shown several purebreds. Currently, I breed primarily Half-Arabs, but plan on finding a quality purebred broodmare. I have shown halter, western, hunt seat, trail, dressage and a little bit of English pleasure. A Cal Poly Pomona graduate, my degree is in Agricultural Business Management. While there, I was a member of the 1982 Arabian National Champion Judging Team, placing 3rd Individually and 1st in Reasons.


As stated earlier, that lead me to being a Youth Judging Team coach. That is also the reason I pursued my AHSA/USEF judging card in the Arabian Division. I now live in Kansas, near Wichita, and am actively involved with the Kansas Arabian Horse Society. In California, I had my Realtor’s license and was able to continue in that capacity once moving to Kansas.


I enjoy working with the youth of Region 8. Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or suggestions that you may have.

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